Account Expiration


This service is for faculty, staff, and students. 

All accounts at St. Thomas expire based on university policy. Once accounts are expired, access to university resources such as email, Canvas, Murphy Online, files, and more will be lost. Please note that purged accounts cannot be recreated, nor can data from them be restored

Timeline for Expiration

  • Students: 365 days after your last active term or due to graduation
  • Faculty: 30 days after university records indicate that the faculty member is no longer an active employee
  • Staff: Last Day Worked

How will I be notified?

Our automated system sends account holders several email notifications prior to expiration that their account will be closed and deleted. 

To report a problem or receive additional troubleshooting, please contact the Tech Desk



Article ID: 108651
Thu 5/28/20 2:43 PM
Wed 8/21/24 1:36 PM