Panopto: Add a Quiz to Videos


This service is for faculty and staff.

In Panopto you have the ability to add quiz questions to any Panopto video at any point during the presentation. Quizzes can only be taken by users that are signed into your Panopto site.

How to Add a Quiz to a Video

How to Use a Panopto Quiz as a Canvas Assessment

How to View Quiz Results in Panopto

You'll be able to view the quiz results in your video's setting menu if you are not using the quiz as part of a Canvas Assessment. 

  1. Login to Panopto and go to your video
  2. Click on the Settings button
  3. On the left, click the Quiz Results tab to display the results
  4. From this tab, you can see Quiz Results Summary which shows the total number of correct answers and questions as well as the percentage correct for each quiz. You are also able to get a more detailed view of results by section. Click the Section drop-down to select which quiz section to drill into.
  5.  You can also expand each user to see which questions they got correct and which questions they got incorrect.
  6. You will also see an option to Download.This will make it possible to convert the quiz results to .csv files including the username, quiz, question, response, and correctness.

You can see screenshots of this process by going to the bottom of the How to Add a Quiz to Panopto Video article written by Panopto or watch a video tutorial for quiz results. 

To report a problem or receive additional troubleshooting, please contact the Tech Desk



Article ID: 111901
Wed 7/15/20 10:36 AM
Tue 9/3/24 3:11 PM

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