Classroom Additional Large Screen Display


This service is for faculty.

ITS is conducting a pilot whereby an additional 49" display is connected to the classroom computer. This extra display is useful for viewing Zoom participants or showing a PPT. ITS is partnering with faculty across the university to help test this new technology during Fall 2020. If your classroom is not on this list and you are interested in learning how to use this additional technology through our pilot program, please submit a request via email to

How do I use the additional display?

Classrooms with an additional display:

Campus Room
St. Paul BEC LL07
St. Paul JRC 247
St. Paul MCH 110
St. Paul MCH 118
St. Paul MHC 205
St. Paul OEC 207
St. Paul OSS 127
St. Paul OWS 250
Minneapolis SCH 301
Minneapolis MOH 301
Minneapolis TMH 351


To report a problem or receive additional troubleshooting, please contact the Tech Desk



Article ID: 117417
Thu 10/1/20 2:41 PM
Fri 8/23/24 12:14 PM

Related Services / Offerings

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ITS provides training, support, and additional services to ensure that classrooms, meeting rooms, and large event spaces are suitably equipped for a positive educational experience.