Zoom: Annotation Collaborative Activity in Breakout Rooms (Instructor Version)


This service is for faculty and staff.

This article describes how to create a collaborative assignment in Zoom breakout rooms using the Zoom annotation tool. For related student instructions for this activity, see Annotation Zoom Assignment- Student version.

1. Create the assignment to be annotated

  • Create a PDF of the images you would like students to annotate.
  • Create a separate document with assignment instructions.

2. Share documents with students

  • Upload the following documents to Canvas and publish:
    • PDF(s) of image(s) to be annotated.
    • Assignment instructions.
    • Student Annotation Instructions
  • Direct students to download the documents prior to the Zoom course, or,
    share the documents in the Zoom meeting before sending students to breakout rooms.
    • To share a document in Zoom, click on Chat, select File, and choose the file(s) you want to share.

sharing file via Zoom chat

3. Facilitating the Assignment in a Zoom Session

[Set up Zoom settings in advance]

  • From View Options or from the More menu, select Enable Annotation for Others.

enable annotation for others

annotation tools

  • Share documents via Zoom chat if you have not already done so.
  • Review assignment and annotation instructions.
  • Send students to breakout rooms to complete the annotation task.
  • Bring students back to main room to share their work.
    • Make sure that your Zoom settings allow students to share. You can choose to allow one or multiple participants to share at a time.

share screen settings in Zoom

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Article ID: 122262
Tue 12/8/20 11:54 AM
Tue 9/3/24 3:38 PM

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