OpenStax Assignable textbook support for Canvas integrations


Information on enabling the OpenStax Assignment LTI 1.3 in Canvas


Any instructor has the ability to add the OpenStax Assignable Beta to their course. Follow the steps below:

Add the OpenStax Assignable Beta to a course

  1. Go into a course
  2. Go to Settings > Apps (which will be renamed "Settings > Apps (Legacy)" in 2025)
  3. Click “View App Configurations”
  4. Click “+ App”
  5. In “Configuration Type” choose “By Client ID”
  6. In the Client ID field, enter: 73770000000000375
    1. (That’s “7377, ten zeros, 375”)
  7. Verify that you’re prompted to install Tool "OpenStax"
  8. Click “Install”
  9. Refresh your Canvas screen
  10. Now create an OpenStax Assignable beta assignment (instructions below).

Create an OpenStax Assignable beta assignment in Canvas

  1. Select “Assignments,” and then click the blue “+Assignment” button
  2. Complete the “Assignment name.” Additional LMS assignment configurations can be set on this screen (for grading, access, etc.) as usual. Under “Submission Type,” select “External Tool.”
  3. Next, click “Find”
  4. In the pop-up modal that appears, select “OpenStax.” 
  5. Next, you’ll be prompted to log in to your OpenStax account. Please note your OpenStax account will need to be instructor verified. For step-by-step instructions on how to sign up for an Educator account, please visit the help article: Requesting Instructor-only access to the resources on openstax.
  6. Click Log in or Sign up, and follow the steps to log into your account or create a new OpenStax account.
  7. Once your account has been linked, return to Canvas and select the OpenStax textbook you use for your course and from which you would like to make an assignment.
  8. Optional: After you have selected your textbook, we encourage you to add “My Textbook” and “My Highlights” as resources to your course page - click “Select” on both screens to do so. Selecting these resources will exit assignment creation, and a dedicated link will be created on your course dashboard to the selected resources. After selecting each of these items to add to your course page, you will need to return to step #3 and proceed to create your assignment. Since you have linked your account, you will not need to repeat steps #6-7.
  9. Select the chapters/sections/activities you want to include in your assignment, then click “Create.”
  10. Ensure that the “Submission attempts” field is set to “Unlimited”; setting a limited number of attempts will cause issues with grade submission.
  11. Once you have completed all other desired details in creating your assignment, click “Save & Publish.”

Documentation and step-by-step screenshots are available from the OpenStax support website, How do I create an OpenStax Assignable beta assignment in Canvas? 



Article ID: 162888
Thu 11/21/24 3:53 PM
Thu 1/2/25 1:58 PM