Canvas Folio (Portfolium) - Getting Started


Canvas Folio (on the Portfolium Network) is a tool that allows you to showcase your work throughout your educational career at the University of St. Thomas. Students can then share their Portfolios with their Instructors, Employers and a broader audience.


This service is for faculty, staff, and students. 

Canvas Folio (on the Portfolium Network) is a tool that allows you to showcase your work throughoutCanvas Folio screenshot
your educational career at the University of St. Thomas. Students collect, select, and reflect on the course projects and artifacts they create, and then organize them to document their scholarship over time.  Students can then share their portfolios with their Instructors, employers or a general audience. 

Access Your Folio through Canvas

  1. In Canvas, click your Account in the purple menu.
  2. Click "Folio." 
  3. Click on your name or picture on the top left to continue to your Folio through


How to Set up Your Account for the First Time

Portfolium LoginBefore you can add to your profile or add any projects, you will need to create an account on the Portfolium Network. Clicking "Folio" in Canvas will take you to

  1. Be sure you sign up with your St. Thomas email account.
  2. The password is something you create (your credentials are not passed through Single Sign-On)
  3. CONFIRM account and email address if asked.


Working with Your Portfolio

  1. The next time you access Folio through Canvas, you will be taken to your portfolio's Profile page.
    Your portfolio has three main sections:
    1. Profile (this is where you edit personal information)
    2. Projects (this is where you add artifacts)
    3. Connections (these are the people and projects that you are connected with)
  1. Click on your Account icon (in the upper right). Go to Settings.
  2. Add your Photo and Update your Cover Image.
    1. You can add links to external sites and any other information you’d like
  3. Be sure to click Update at the bottom to save your changes.
  4. Back on the main Portfolium page, click on Add a Resume and upload a current resume.

How to Start a New Project

  1. From the main Portfolio page, click on New Project in the upper right corner. This project is where you will add and describe an artifact of learning.
  2. Under Attachments, either upload or link to an artifact you want displayed.
Note: As you build your Portfolio, refer to the help box on the right which shows contextual tips for filling in a particular item.
  1. Choose the most appropriate Category for this artifact using the drop-down.
  2. Under Description, describe your artifact. This is an important area where you reflect on the artifact and why you chose it to be an exemplar of your work.
  3. Under Skills, Tools, or Software, start typing a functional or soft skill this artifact demonstrates.
  4. You can leave Teammates blank for now.
  5. Under Tags, start to type a keyword that characterizes your artifact. These will later be searched on and combined with other artifacts with that same tag.
  6. Click the gear icon at the top of the Edit Project screen to set the visibility of this specific  project/artifact.
  7. You can Finish Later if you’re not ready, or Publish to display this project/artifact on your main page.

As you progress through your courses, you will continue to add to your profile and will tag artifacts for inclusion in your final portfolio of work to support licensure requirements.  You can also build out your portfolio to support your current job or future job searches.

Your program may have specific tags you should use.

How to Set the Visibility and Share Your Portfolio

  1. Go to Account Settings and click on Privacy on the left menu.
  2. Check the box at the top which determines who can see your Portfolio. 
    • Only allow people I'm connected with to view my Profile. This sets your Profile to private, but lets you choose to allow your Connections to view it.
    • Prevent my employers from contacting me and finding my Profile. Even though not private, your employers won't be able to find your Profile unless you share it with them. 
    • Make sure your St. Thomas Instructor is one of your Connections.
  3. Share your Portfolio simply by copying the URL under your name/photo.  
  4. Paste the URL in a Canvas Assignment or Discussion or email to share it with others.
To report a problem or receive additional troubleshooting, please contact the Tech Desk



Article ID: 99498
Fri 2/28/20 11:13 AM
Tue 9/3/24 2:59 PM

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Portfolium is a tool that allows you to showcase your work throughout your educational career at the University of St. Thomas.