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OEC Multimedia Studio: Frequently Asked Questions

production Multi-camera interviews Webinars using Zoom Online courses using Panopto Student productions  Green screen shoots  Teleprompter reads Informational content   Can Students Use

#TDX: Routing Tickets

request or incident. (Example: If the core need of the ticket is Zoom, then the Service should be set to web conferencing. Even if the Windows OS group or Tech Desk group is set as responsible or

Tommie Tech Canvas Site: Getting Started for Students

Canvas, Zoom, Murphy, Office 365, Tommie Link, and OneStThomas set up your own device(s) including free apps to download and test your browser review online etiquette learn about digital security

Personal Computers: Frequently Asked Questions for Bringing Computers to Campus

recommend having an adapter to facilitate HDMI/Displayport, ethernet, and additional USB A and C) Chromebooks While you will be able to access email, Canvas, Zoom, and other

Web Accessibility for Content Contributors

alt-text with "Image of" or "Picture of" this is not necessary information.) Where possible, avoid images of text. Text can be hard to view if a user needs to zoom in significantly. If using an image

New Employee Guide to Campus Technology

and calendar.  Software: A variety of software is already available for you on your office computer including the Microsoft Office apps, Zoom, Teams, and more. Learn more about how to Install

Closed Captioning Standards: What, Why and How To

preferred platform for all academic videos is Panopto; however, media tools including YouTube, Zoom and Panopto automatically include machine-generated captions. Because of specialized nomenclature

Tommie Tech Canvas Site: Suggestions for Faculty, Advisors, and Managers

participation in virtual spaces. Tommie Tech invites students to: learn about key tech systems such as Canvas, Zoom, Murphy Online, Office 365, and OneStThomas; set up their devices including

Outlook Class Schedule

links to upcoming Zoom meetings, the Canvas calendar, and the bookstore's booklist. Again, faculty will see this for courses starting in J-Term 2024. Since faculty are assigned to classes earlier