Personal Computers: Law Student Frequently Asked Questions

This service is for students.

Do I need to bring a computer to Law School?

Innovation and Technology Services (ITS) strongly recommends purchasing a personal computer or laptop for use during law school.  Coursework materials and legal information resources are online, and a computer is really the only way to access these materials.  In addition, practicing law requires a lawyer to be competent with technology and this competency begins in law school.

Exam Software requirements – Chromebooks and Tablets will not work.

Your personal computer or laptop must be able to run our Examplify exam software. Chromebooks and Tablets are not supported by Examplify and should not be used for law school.

Should I buy a new Mac or PC computer?

If your Mac or PC was manufactured in the last three years, then it should satisfy the minimum computer requirements needed.  But you will need to keep updated with the most current operating system for Mac or PC.

If you buy a new computer here are the recommended specifications:


Recommend computer specifications for Windows PC

Feature Minimum Recommend
Processor Intel (i5) or AMD (Ryzen 5), 2.0 GHz, 2-core Intel Core i7 or AMD Ryzen 7, 3.0 GHz or higher, 4+ cores
Operating System Windows 10 x64 latest version Windows 11 x64 latest version
Memory 8 GB RAM 16 GB RAM
Storage 256 GB (SSD) 500 GB (SSD)
Display 13" 14" or 15" 1920 x 1080 resolution or greater
Wi-Fi Adapter 2.4/5 GHz 2.4/5 GHz or greater

Webcam (internal or external), carrying

case, Bluetooth, USB port(s)

Webcam (internal or external), carrying case, Bluetooth,

multiple USB ports (USB-A and USB-C if possible).

HDMI or DisplayPort for connecting to external monitors.


Recommended computer specifications for Macs

Feature Minimum Recommended
Processor Intel i5 or higher, 2.0 GHz, 2-core Apple M1 8-Core CPU or better
Operating System macOS 11 Big Sur fully updated macOS 13 Ventura fully updated
Memory 8 GB RAM 16 GB RAM
Storage 256 GB (SSD) 500 GB (SSD)
Display 13" 15" or greater
WiFi adapter 2.4/5 GHz 2.4/5 GHz or greater

Webcam (internal or external), carrying

case, Bluetooth, USB Port(s)

Webcam (internal or external), carrying case, Bluetooth,

multiple USB ports (USB-A and USB-C if possible).

HDMI or DisplayPort for connecting to external monitors.


Where can I buy a new computer for college?


If you are interested in purchasing a new computer or software check out the Tech Store. St. Thomas currently does not directly sell personal hardware or software, but Apple, Dell, Lenovo, and other vendors provide educational discounts on computers, printers, scanners and select software just for being a college student!

Student assistance available

For some law students there may be an opportunity to increase your cost of attendance budget to cover (once only) the cost of a computer.  Information on this opportunity can be found on the Graduate Financial AID webpage


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Article ID: 155402
Mon 11/6/23 3:01 PM
Mon 11/20/23 7:19 PM