Communication and Collaboration Tools

There are multiple tools to help you communicate with your students and team.


Zoom is a web conferencing system that allows you to remotely meet with your colleagues, individual students, or an entire class.


Canvas has multiple communication tools to help you reach individual students, groups, and entire courses.

  • Announcements allow you to reach your entire class.
  • The Inbox functions like an internal email system.
  • Message students about their grades using the Message Students Who tool in the gradebook.
  • Canvas frequently offers webinar trainings about Group Work and Collaboration. (Log in to Canvas. Click on Help > Training Services Portal to access webinars and self-paced online training. Webinars are in the Training Calendar tab.)


Outlook is the email and calendar system used at St. Thomas. Find all your Microsoft tools in "Apps & Tools" menu at the top of the page in One St. Thomas. Look for the "waffle" menu (image below).Waffle Menu, an icon of 9 squares arranged in rows of 3.


Microsoft Teams provides group space to share files, track agendas, chat, and more. Find Microsoft Teams in Apps & Tools at the top of the page.