This service is for faculty.
When an instructor sets up their Zoom meeting through Canvas (called using "Zoom Pro"), it will be automatically added to the course calendar for students to easily access. The later part of this article explains how to publish Zoom recordings for recordings created in Zoom Pro. As of 12.23.20 Zoom Pro recordings are now first unpublished (including past recordings) until the instructor publishes the Zoom Pro recordings.
Setup Zoom in my Canvas Course
If Zoom Pro is not already enabled in your Canvas course, the first step is to add Zoom to your class:
- Log in to Canvas and go to your course.
- In your course's left navigation, click on Settings and go to the Navigation tab.
- Find Zoom Pro in the list of items. Click on the triple dots next to the app title and choose Enable. This will move it into your course navigation.
- You can also drag and move the Zoom tool to any order within your active course navigation section.
- Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save before continuing on.
- Now on the left navigation bar, select Zoom Pro.
- Click on the Authorize button:
NOTE: If you receive an "ERROR 2216" in Canvas during set up, try these steps to troubleshoot:
- Make sure that you are logged out of Zoom on your device.
- If you check email through your browser, you may also want to log out of your St. Thomas email account in as well.
- Once logged out, visit and select “Log In.”
- If prompted - select "SSO" as the Login type. Use your St. Thomas credentials to log into your St. Thomas Zoom account.
- Once you have signed in, your account has been updated.
- Return to Canvas and retry the Zoom tool.
How to Schedule a Zoom Meeting for a Synchronous Class Session
- Now that you've enabled Zoom in your course, go to Zoom Pro in the left navigation.
- Click on Schedule a New Meeting.
- Set the date, time, and duration of your meeting. Choose whether this is a recurring meeting.
- Consider modifying the following settings:
- The setting Enable Join Before Host is checked ON by default. This enables your participants to join the meeting before you, the host, have joined -- AND in fact allows them to join any time, before or after the scheduled time of the meeting, as long as the meeting ID is still valid and has not expired. If unchecked, participants will receive a prompt asking them to wait until the host has joined.
- IMPORTANT: If you are recording the meeting, it's important to NEVER allow users to join the meeting before host AND have the auto-record feature on. If those two settings are on, the recording will create a new recording every time someone joins the meeting. To avoid this, either disable the ability to join before host and/or automatically record.
- We recommend selecting Mute participants upon entry to diminish interruptions in meetings already in progress.
- Select some type of security option for your meeting. Do not select "personal meeting" for class meetings. The end of this article explains the value of setting up your meetings to only allow attendees with a UST account and gives suggestions if you have guest speakers or non-UST users. Another or additional optionis to set up your meeting with an embedded passcode and/or waiting room as security features.
- Click Save to schedule the meeting(s). Meetings are automatically placed on the Canvas Course Calendar for everyone enrolled in the course. They are also available in the Zoom Pro student view. A notification will be sent to everyone enrolled in the course, based on their personal notification settings, and ONLY IF the course is Published. For unpublished courses, no notification will be sent.
- Your scheduled Zoom meeting link will be displayed under the Upcoming Meetings tab.
- At the time of the meeting, the host (instructor) should Start the meeting from this tab.
- Students can join from Zoom Pro or the Canvas Calendar.
- IMPORTANT NOTE: If the host joins from the Canvas calendar instead of from the Upcoming Meetings tab, they will join the meeting with the role of participant and not have host role functionality. The participant role does not allow the meeting host to mute/unmute mics, use polls, create breakout rooms or perform other host functions.
How to Schedule a Zoom meeting with an individual student
When you schedule a Zoom meeting in Canvas it invites every student in the class (and sends an email notification to every student). To protect privacy and schedule meetings individually with students or hold office hours, you'll want to schedule through the online Zoom web portal.
Learn how to do this in our Zoom: Getting Started article under the From your Web Browser column.
How to Manage Zoom Recordings for Canvas Course meetings: Unpublish to Publish
If you choose to record a meeting that you have scheduled from within Canvas and select record (either cloud or manual recording), your Zoom recording will no longer automatically be published and made available to your students until you choose to publish.
IMPORTANT: Be diligent when it comes to managing recordings. If you recorded your class session, and then continued to use the same zoom session to hold a one-on-one meeting with a student, you would not want the one-on-one portion of the recording to be shared with all of the students. The most efficient method to prevent this is to stop recording immediately after the end of the class session. If you didn't end the recording in time, you will need to edit the recording to omit the sections of the recording you don't want to share with the whole class. There are very basic options in Zoom to trim a cloud recording. If your recording requires more advanced editing, you will want to move the recording to Panopto for editing and sharing purposes.
To share a meeting recording with the students in your class:
- After the end of the meeting, you will need to wait until the recording has completed processing. Cloud recordings generally take about 2 times the meeting duration to process.
- Go to Zoom Pro in your course.
- After the switch to publish a recording becomes available, toggle the Publish switch to "on" to make the recording viewable by your students.
- Once published, all of the students in your class will be able to see the recording from within the Zoom Pro section in Canvas.
To report a problem or receive additional troubleshooting, please contact the
Tech Desk.