This service is for faculty, staff, students, and visitors.
The Interactive Campus Map is a web-based map tool used to provide students, faculty, and visitors with information regarding the St. Thomas campuses including:
- Hours
- Building images
- Events
- Departments locations
- Notices
- Metro Transit information
- Parking information
- Emergency telephone locations
- Directions to and from on-campus and off-campus locations.
View the interactive maps here.
How do I find information on a specific building?
To get information on a given building, select the gray indicator on the map, find the name from the location field drop down menu, or search for the building name in the search bar.
Find Information on Building
On the map you will see circle icons on each building or notable location. Click one of these icons to see information on that building.

Find Building by Drop Down Menu
If you do not know where a specific building is located, use the drop down menus to select the campus and building name to find more information on it.

Find Building by Search
Use the search feature to find buildings and departments on campus.

How do I get directions from one location to another?
You can choose locations on and off campus when searching for directions.
- Select the building you wish to find direction to or from
- Click the directions indicator from the building information panel

- When the direction panel opens, select your mode of transportation (driving, biking and walking) and search for your other location.

Note: that using the arrow icon is a switch indicator in the top right corner of the directions panel - this will switch the to/from fields.
How do I find information on Metro Transit stops around campus?
The Interactive Campus Map provides information on Metro Transit locations found around campus pulled directly from the Metro Transit website in real time.
- Select the Transit option from the list of filters

- When this option is selected, all transit stops from around campus will display on the map. Just select one of the options to view upcoming departure times and the current location of shuttles on this route

How do I find buildings based on functionality or amenity?
Select the Filter by tag... text input and begin typing to search for a tag. Once an option is selected it will be added to the multiselect and all buildings with the selected tag will be displayed.

Custom maps and how to share directions with someone else
Once you've done an initial search query for a building or directions, use the link icon
to share a link to the custom map with another.
How do I update outdated location information?
If the problem has to do with your own department (for example, you work in the English department, and the JRC department listing has the wrong phone number or office number for English), you need to update your department's directory information. Go to, click the purple Log In button on the right-hand sidebar, and update your department directory information. Once updated, Campus Map will update overnight or sooner. Each department is responsible for its own public directory information. For more information, see the Directory help page.
For all other inaccuracies: Send an email and screenshot to the Tech Desk regarding any incorrect locations and what needs to be changed. Our team is more than happy to make the necessary adjustments.
Where can I find more information?
The help page of the interactive campus map may be able to provide information or assistance, such as using the built-in URL shortcuts.
To report a problem or receive additional troubleshooting, please contact the
Tech Desk.