Turning Point Clickers: Getting Started


This service is for faculty.

Several faculty members are currently using TurningPoint “clickers” to create an interactive environment and encourage participation in their classes.

Using small, handheld devices, students generate responses to questions presented by their instructor. A USB receiver connected to the classroom computer collects the responses, and the results can be displayed to the class for immediate feedback. Individual student responses can be recorded for grading purposes and uploaded to Blackboard, if desired.

Common uses of classroom response systems include:

  • Generating class-wide or small-group discussions
  • Administering in-class quizzes
  • Taking attendance

When used effectively, classroom response systems can create rewarding experiences for both instructors and students.

Install TurningPoint software on St. Thomas computers

Interested faculty will need to have TurningPoint software installed on their St. Thomas computer. The appropriate software application may also need to be installed on your classroom computer(s).

Available Software

  • TurningPoint – poll in Microsoft PowerPoint (PC only)
  • TurningPoint AnyWhere – stand-alone polling application (PC or Mac)

Purchase Clickers & Receiver

Faculty members interested in using clickers are encouraged to place an order through the UST Bookstore, just as they would a required textbook for a course.

USB receivers for capturing responses cost approximately $99 and must be purchased by your department, provided that you do not already have access to one.

The Bookstore will purchase and re-sell used clickers to students, provided that the device model is in use the following semester.

What kind of devices are available?

There are several response devices available from Turning Technologies.

Models used previously on campus include: RF, RF LCD, XR, and NXT devices.

How do I know which kind I should get?

  • For basic multiple choice and true/false polling, ITS recommends the RF LCD device.
  • For multiple choice, true/false, and additional response options, including numerical and text-based, we recommend the NXT device.

Faculty are responsible for informing their students if a particular clicker model is not permissible in their course. Some students may already have purchased a response device for a previous class. If an instructor wishes to accept numerical and text-based responses to questions, their students must have an XR or NXT device. All Turning Technologies devices will work for multiple choice and true/false question types.

Trial Kits

ITS has one 30-clicker kit available for faculty to checkout for up to one week at a time. Contact your department's technology consultant if you would like to checkout the trial kit.

Is there training and support for clickers?

Documentation for Turning Technologies’ software and hardware products can be found on their support website. Faculty can also consult with their departments for all questions and issues related to classroom response systems.

To report a problem or receive additional troubleshooting, please contact the Tech Desk



Article ID: 108131
Wed 5/20/20 10:08 AM
Tue 6/18/24 4:19 PM

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