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Article gives an overview of the ERD Current student chart in flowchart format and how to navigate connections between salesforce and EDA objects. Objects contain their labels and API Names and how they are connected.
Article gives an overview of the ERD Admissions chart in flowchart format and how to navigate connections between salesforce and EDA objects. Objects contain their labels and API Names and how they are connected.
Article gives an overview of the ERD Summit Events chart in flowchart format and how to navigate connections between salesforce and EDA objects. Objects contain their labels and API Names and how they are connected.
About the Salesforce Platform and Ecosystem at the University of St. Thomas
Information about Apsona, a data management suite of products used within the Salesforce platform.
An overview of the Expectations and Definition of a Salesforce EDA Report Writer
An overview of the steps to take when you need a new Salesforce EDA Report Type.
Created for experienced Salesforce report and dashboard developers, this Canvas based training will provide the knowledge and resources required to create reports and dashboards in the new Salesforce EDA environment.
This article will provide an overview of how to create a Salesforce??Specification based on a Salesforce??EDA Report or Dashboard.
An overview to the process and standards of giving third-party vendors direct access to our St. Thomas Salesforce Environments.