Murphy Online - Proxy Access and Authorized Users

This service is for students and parents or guardians.

Sometimes a parent or guardian will want to access their student’s information. If they are looking to pay the bill, receive a refund, or other bill related things, they will be looking for E-Bill. If they are looking for a student’s financial aid info, schedule, grades, or some other miscellaneous things, they will be looking for Proxy Access. 


Proxy Access 

The most common reasons a proxy would want to have access is for a student’s financial aid info, schedule, grades, etc.

Creating a proxy (Student):

  1. In order to create a proxy, the student (not the proxy) will need to sign into Murphy Online and add them. 
  2. When in Murphy Online, there is a tab called Proxy Access. This tab should have only one button called Proxy management. 
  3. The student will need to click Add Proxy, and fill in the first name, last name, and email address. It should say a new proxy has been successfully added. 
  4. The proxy in question will receive 2 emails. One will notify them that they have been added as a proxy. It includes the proxy login link, as well as additional information. The second will include the link to activate the proxy account, and an action password to activate. 
  5. Have the proxy click the link to activate the proxy account and enter the action password into the new page. 
  6. Once they are logged in, they will need to create a PIN. They will need to enter the email address they received the email from, the action password in the old PIN box, and then create a new 6-digit PIN. 
  7. PIN means number only! 

Using Proxy Access (Parent or Guardian):

  1. They will need to log in. It is a separate link from the normal Murphy log in.  
  2. It can be found:
    1. At
    2. By Googling St Thomas proxy log in 
    3. By clicking the link in the emails 
    4. On the registrar’s page 
  3. They will not be able to see anything until the Student specifies which information the proxy can see. This is done in Murphy Online, in the proxy tab, expand (proxy name). 
  4. The PIN can be changed through the proxy log in page. The student can also reset the PIN from their end in Murphy. 
  5. Other information on proxies can be found at or Student Data & Registrar - Home | Student Data & Registrar (

Authorized Users for E-bill 

In order to add an authorized user, the student will need to sign in to the E-bill system through Murphy, under the personal information tab. 

Both the student and the authorized user will need to allow pop-ups on their browser How-To KB Article, and/or add to the allowed sites for pop-ups. 

On the E-Bill page (Student)

  1. The student will need to click authorized users, then add authorized user. 
  2. The student will then type in the email address of the authorized user and select their preferences for that user viewing billing statement, payment history, and account activity. Then they will check I Agree, and hit continue. 

The Authorized User (Parent or Guardian)

  1. The authorized user will receive 2 emails. One will contain the username, and one will contain the password. 
  2. The link to log in is in both emails.
    1. It is 
  3. Once they log in, they must put in their full name and a password. 
  4. Once they’re in they should be able to pay bills, view bills, and everything else they need. 

*Any questions about the payment and money need to be directed to the business office.


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Include student name, student ID number (or date of birth if ID unknown), proxy name, proxy email address. Describe the issue the student or proxy is experiencing.