Help Student Tutors Access Training Resources

This service is for faculty and staff who are tutor supervisors or manage their department tutoring services. 

This article is for staff and faculty who are the lead managers and supervisors of tutoring services in their area and/or supervisors of student employee tutors in their area (sometimes called tutor leaders). 

Tutor Supervisors first complete their own short training/onboarding course (new as of August 2023) and then assist student employee tutors with accessing digital training (Tutor Training Canvas Hub required modules and FERPA training) and account access (secondary account called XST and the Tutor Salesforce Department-level page).  

Supervisors/Manager of Tutors: Complete the Supervisor Onboarding course

There is a Tutor Supervisor Onboarding Canvas course. 

  1. Supervisors, if you are not already enrolled into the Tutor Supervisor training, then please request enrollment into the training.
    1. The reason we don't have a self-enroll link for this Supervisor course is because of privacy.  
    2. If you don't yet have access to the Tutor Supervisor Onboarding site, contact Lisa Waldner (Associate Vice Provost of Student Achievement) to start your onboarding.  
  2. That Canvas onboarding will help you get connected up with the right resources.  Other staff/faculty who also support tutoring in your department are also welcome to enroll.

Next, provide tutors access to the Tutor Training Hub  

As you (the supervisor) complete the Supervisor Onboarding required Modules A and B (that includes you also exploring the student employee Tutor Training Badge Hub), then you will get directions on how to help your student employee(s) to have access to the Tutor Training Hub Canvas site. 

For Further Help 

If you are not already connected with the Tutor Supervisor group, enrolling into the Supervisor Onboarding Canvas site is the best way to get connected. 

  • Further questions, reach out to the Associate Vice Provost of Student Achievement Dr. Lisa Waldner. 
  • Technical issues in the Tutor Canvas sites, submit a ticket to Online Learner Success Systems
To report a problem or receive additional troubleshooting, please contact the Tech Desk
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Article ID: 138757
Fri 10/15/21 8:17 PM
Tue 6/18/24 3:25 PM

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