Online Learner Success Systems

This service is available for students, staff, and faculty.  

 The online learner success systems services aim to expand our St. Thomas capacities and improve upon online digital learning student supports so that all learners are included and succeed regardless of whether they are in a fully online, blended, or in-person experience that incorporates technology. 

Features of our Online Learner Success Systems Services include:

  • Working with students, staff, and faculty to develop and implement digital student success tools and sustainable systems of support.
  • Develop and manage academic student success systems that incorporate digital tools and practices. This can include collaborating with other stakeholders to improve tutoring, academic services, and other ways to leverage technology for student success. 
  • Creating change through consultation, training, co-creation and at times direct work aimed at targeted outcomes.
  • Promoting inclusive, equitable, and learner-centered practices. Belonging, human connection and relationship building are the base from which all other learning grows.
  • Managing and continuously improving the university-level student introduction to St. Thomas technology (Tommie Tech sites) and create additional student-focused technology resources based upon needs identified.
  • Incorporating both values and data as part of our continuous improvement model.
  • Focus on sustainable, scalable practices.

Getting Started

For information on how to access some of the already existing online learner success systems services, visit these Knowledge Base articles for starters.

Request Service

Our request service form will allow you to:

  • Request a consultation to discuss a student support need to involve technology/digital components where the solution is not yet clear.  
  • Request technical assistance and design assistance to develop or revise Canvas courses such as program-level orientation, badging resources, community sites, or student success resources. 
  • Request training around key elements of student success strategies in a COVID or post COVID world. 
  • Request consultation to develop a plan for a new or re-envisioned student orientation, academic and/or non-academic supports, training experience, community site that may incorporate both asynchronous technology or digital components as well as synchronous (at times virtual synchronous and other times in-person synchronous).  
  • Troubleshoot or report a problem about a current student orientation, onboarding, or community or student support site. 
Click to Request Service

Related Articles (4)

This article is for Tutor Leaders--staff and faculty at UST who are the lead managers of tutoring services in their area and/or supervisors of student employee tutors in their area. Tutor Leaders assist student employee tutors with accessing digital training and accounts.
This article describes the St. Thomas student technology resource called ???Tommie Tech??? Canvas site, and how faculty and staff can use this resource to support student success.


Service ID: 47499
Tue 11/24/20 4:50 PM
Fri 10/14/22 11:26 AM