Qualtrics: Getting Started & Support

This service is for faculty, staff, and students.

Qualtrics is a robust and intuitive solution that allows all members of the St. Thomas community to create web-based surveys and web forms. Qualtrics's online survey solutions make it easy to capture academic insights. These insights empower faculty and students, create breakthroughs, and change lives. Your imagination is the only limit:

  • Academic Research
  • Experimental Design
  • Student Satisfaction
  • Alumni Outreach
  • Program Administration
  • Institutional Assessment
  • Course and Professor Evaluation
  • Student and faculty elections

How to Log in to Qualtrics

  1. Access this service through the Apps and Tools menu in OneStThomas or by going to stthomas.qualtrics.com.
  2. If it is your first time logging in, click the "I don't have a Qualtrics account" button when prompted
    First time users of Qualtrics will see this message prompting them to choose if they already have a Qualtrics account
  3. Finally, login using your St. Thomas username and password

Qualtrics Training & Support

For Qualtrics support, there are several options: 

  1. XM Basecamp has a library of self-paced training courses. To log in:
    1. ​​​Navigate to XM Basecamp 
    2. Select "Qualtrics Credentials" 
      • Select a sign in method to start learning on XM Basecamp: Qualtrics Credentials
    3. On the login page, click "Sign in with SSO" 
      • ​​​​​​​Sign in with SSO​​​​​​​
    4. On the 'Enter your company's Organization ID' page input: stthomas
      • ​​​​​​​Enter your company's Organization ID: stthomas
    5. You're now logged in under your St. Thomas credentials to XM Basecamp
  2. Qualtrics Support AI Assistant and live support agents provide technical help with any questions or challenges in the Qualtrics product. 
    • You can reach the Qualtrics support team by clicking the question mark with a circle around it in your Qualtrics account. 
      • ​​​​​​​Question mark with a circle around it, select it for Qualtrics Support​​​​​​​
    • If you need additional help after contacting Qualtrics support you can submit a ticket here: Surveys and Web Forms (Qualtrics) 
  3. Additional on-demand resources are available from the Qualtrics knowledge base. Learn about leveraging Qualtrics for the following topics:


  • On a Project, if your "Results" tab doesn't look like you expect it to, this may be due to using a template project and editing its format. To fix the view under the Results tab, create a new "Report page" to update it with your current settings and results. 
To report a problem or receive additional troubleshooting, please contact the Tech Desk
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