Network/Wifi Android Troubleshooting




What is the device?

  • ChromeBook – See here
  • Mac or PC Computer – See here
  • iOS – See here

  • Choose the UST network from the list of internet options. You may be prompted to enter the following information:
  • EAP method: PEAP
  • Identity: your St. Thomas username (just the first four letters and four numbers)
  • Password: your St. Thomas password
  • Server CA Certificate: Use system certificates
  • Online Certificate Status: Don't Validate
  • Domain:
  • Auto Reconnect: Toggled On
  • Tap "Advanced" or "More Settings"
  • Phase 2 authentication: MSCHAPv2
  • Anonymous Identity: your St. Thomas username (just the first four letters and four numbers)
  • IP Settings: DHCP
  • Proxy: none
  • Metered Network: Detect Automatically
  • MAC Address Type: Phone MAC
  • All other fields should be left blank.
  • Make sure you are only connecting to UST (forget UST-Open and/or Eduroam)
  • Check for wifi drivers for your specific device model
  • Chat to team for further ideas in First Call Resolution Channel
  • Provide the following info if you are not able to resolve:
    • User names
    • Callback phone #
    • Exact Location: Bldg/room
    • Does the device work in other areas/buildings better?
    • Exact (as best possible) device details: example-2018 Macbook Pro, iPhone X, Samsung Galaxy S9, etc
    • MAC addresses of all affected devices
    • Speedtest info - Get Screenshots
    • Screenshot of any error messages received
    • What is the frequency of the issue?
      • Always happening
      • sometimes happening
      • just started happening

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Article ID: 116639
Mon 9/21/20 7:21 PM
Thu 7/18/24 5:30 PM