Murphy Online Basics and Troubleshooting


Murphy Online is hub for accessing an ever-growing list of necessary personal, academic, and financial information and more.

Some of the things you'll find/do in Murphy Online:

  • Personal Information (change your password, or challenge question -- Employees may view/update personal data)
  • Employee Services (view pay, W2, etc)
  • Student Information (register for classes, view holds, view your schedule)
  • Student Account (view your account, view your 1098T, view your eBill and/or make an ePayment)
  • Financial Aid (accept/decline award, view award information)
  • Faculty Information (wait lists and class lists)
  • Development Officer Information
  • Finance Information (budget queries and purchase orders)


Accessing Murphy Online

  • Open your browser
    • We recommend using Chrome, Firefox, or Edge
    • Murphy Online may not function in Safari so we do not recommend it
    • If you log in and get a "no permission error" please make sure you are accessing Murphy Online directly at the link provided just below
  • Navigate to the Murphy Online homepage at

screenshot of the murphy online homepage

  • If you encounter a "Session timeout occurred" error

screenshot of the session timeout occurred error commonly received when navigating to the murphy online site

  • This is pretty normal. It just means that you've logged into the site from this browser before. You will likely get this error almost every time you go to Murphy Online. Thankfully, it's easy to resolve.
  • Click "Ok"
  • You'll get a screen indicating "You have successfully logged out"

screenshot of the you have successfully logged out screen after exiting murphy online

  • Now, if you begin again by navigating to the Murphy Online homepage at then everything should proceed normally
  • Click on the first option on the left where it says "Log in to the Murphy Online Secured Area"

Screenshot of the log in to murphy online secured area button on the murphy online home page

  • You will be brought to the University's authentication page (you'll see this page when you log into a lot of UST resources)

screenshot of the university adfs log in page

  • Log in with NOT your vanity email
    • There are 2 common errors that users have reported after logging here:
      • SAML 2.0 based Single Sign-On

screenshot of the SAML 2.0 error that happens when logging into Murphy without MFA set up

  • To resolve this error
    • A SAML error in this case almost always indicates that when claiming your account you missed the setting up Multifactor Authentication (MFA) for your UST account
    • MFA is mandatory for accessing Murphy Online. There is significant sensitive personal, professional, financial, etc information contained within Murphy Online so it CAN NOT be accessed without MFA
    • See the section above in this article for assistance setting up MFA or go to our MFA First Time Setup article for a detailed walkthrough
  • Bad Request - Header Field Too Long

screenshot of the error bad request header too long

Links to Related Resources

Murphy Specific

Browser Basics



Article ID: 134111
Tue 7/13/21 5:31 PM
Fri 7/7/23 2:28 AM

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