Technology Intake Process: Conduct a Business Case Review

Tags techintake
This article is for faculty and staff.

The Business Case Review meeting is intended to “Engage the right experts, at the right time, to deliver the right solution.” By capturing initial intake details and insights from Campus Partners and ITS Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), exploring options for addressing Campus Partner needs, and deciding on a path forward, we ensure that we deliver a solution that meets the need of our Campus Partners while being mindful of the effort and impact to our ITS teams and architecture.  


The Business Case Review team (Request Review Team + ITS SMEs + Campus Partners) will complete the business case in TDX during a bi-monthly TIP Business Case Review meeting and decide how to proceed with the request. The TIP Business Case Review meeting is a standing bi-monthly meeting. It will be held IF there are new requests to review; otherwise, it will be cancelled.

The ITS staff on the recurring invite for this meeting are:

  • Business Relationship Managers (BRMs). They will facilitate the meetings.
  • Leads and a back-up for each ITS team (ITS SMEs) – only one needs to attend.

ITS partners are invited based on the request(s). They might include:

  • Requestor / Business Owner: University leader responsible for the request.
  • Business areas stakeholders. Key stakeholders / subject-matter-experts associated with a request.

The ITS technology Intake & Solution Process title, with the tagline ???Engage the right experts, at the right time, to deliver the right solution??? appears above a process illustration. The illustration depicts the four progressive stages of the process, including 1) Technical solutions intake, 2) ITS & client review meeting, 3) Collaborative decision, and 4) Successful solution. The third of the four steps (???Collaborative decision???) is highlighted. A detailed description states ???Consider??? Need, value, fit, resources, scope, complexity Decide - buy, build, existing solution, other???

Image Description: An overview of the Technology Intake Process (TIP) workflow, with the tagline “Engage the right experts, at the right time, to deliver the right solution” appears above a process illustration. The four progressive stages of the process, including 1) Technical solutions intake, 2) ITS & client review meeting, 3) Collaborative decision, and 4) Successful solution, with the third stage highlighted.


Each Business Case Review meeting will be documented on the Tech Intake Review Teams site and will include presentation files, notes of discussions and decisions, and scoring of future direction by each attendee. Additional vendor information may also be provided and will be available for review prior to the meeting.

The following is a sample meeting agenda, included in the meeting request:

  • Part 1: Discovery With Our Campus Partners??? (~15 minutes)
    • Introductions & Purpose (3 min)???
    • Need or Opportunity Discussion (10 min)???
    • Decision Options & Next Step (2 min)???
  • Part 2: ITS Solutioning Discussion??? (~45 minutes)
    • Review SME Feedback; Technical & Solutioning Discussion (20)???
    • Weigh-in & results discussion (20 min)???
    • Stop, start, continue???

ITS SME Assessment (for each TIP request)

The ITS SMEs will provide their assessment of each TIP request through TIP Review Weigh-In form provided during the meeting. The SMEs will make a decision about a path forward, provide additional context about their decision, and may offer additional feedback about the TIP process. The follow

  1. Open the TIP Review Weigh-in form for the specific TIP request by clicking on the link shared during the discussion or selecting the appropriate tab in the Tech Intake Review Teams site.
  2. Select the decision that best aligns with your perspective.

The TIP Review Weigh-in form image includes the first question for ITS SMEs of which decision makes most sense. The options are Simple RFP, RFP / Buy Project, Build Project, Full Architectural Review, Existing Solution, No or Not Yet, and Other.

Image Description: The TIP Review Weigh-in form displaying seven options available to answer the prompt, "Based on the recent tech request review, which decision makes most sense to you?" The seven options are, 1) Simple RFP, 2) RFP / Buy Project, 3) Build Project, 4) Full Architectural Review, 5) Existing Solution. 6) No or Not Yet, and 7) Other (including an area to enter your response).


  1. Add additional detail regarding your decision recommendation and any feedback about the process.

An example of the SME Notes section of the TIP Request form illustrates the Implementation Feasibility Rating, Team Effort, and Notes input fields.

Image Description: The TIP Review Weigh-in form displaying text input boxes for two additional prompts, including 1) Comments about your decision recommendation and 2) Any feedback on the Tech Intake and Review process.

The outcome of the Business Case Review meeting is to decide on the next step for the request. The decision will be selected from the following options (more details available in the TIP Decision Rubric) during Part 2 of the meeting;

  • Simple RFP - No project required.
  • RFP / Buy Project - Create a new buy project.
  • Build Project - Create a new custom build project.
  • Full Architectural Review - Requires a full ITS architectural review.
  • Existing Solution - An existing solution should meet the need.
  • No or not yet - Recommend not moving forward or putting on hold.
  • Other - A different or combination of options.

Previous and Next Steps

Previous Step – Technology Intake Process: Provide SME Feedback
Next Steps (Optional) – Technology Intake Process: Conduct a Full Architectural Review or Technology Intake Process: Challenge a Decision

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Article ID: 158286
Mon 4/8/24 10:05 AM
Tue 8/13/24 8:46 AM

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