Technology Intake Process: Provide SME Feedback

Tags techintake
This article is for faculty and staff.

As part of the new Tech Intake Process (TIP), leads and a back-up from each ITS team will be notified when a request for a client need that may require new or new uses of digital technologies is submitted in Tommie Tech. You will be asked to review and provide feedback on the request.  We ask that you review and provide feedback on the request within three business days. Please close out your team’s weigh-in task when done.


Prior to new or new uses of digital technologies being implemented, your input is needed to assess the feasibility and potential impact of TIP requests. The following steps will guide you through the necessary actions to take following notification of a new TIP request, leading to a Business Case Review meeting.

The ITS technology Intake & Solution Process title, with the tagline ???Engage the right experts, at the right time, to deliver the right solution??? appears above a process illustration. The illustration depicts the four progressive stages of the process, including 1) Technical solutions intake, 2) ITS & client review meeting, 3) Collaborative decision, and 4) Successful solution. The third of the four steps (???Collaborative decision???) is highlighted. A detailed description states ???Consider??? Need, value, fit, resources, scope, complexity Decide - buy, build, existing solution, other???

Image Description: An overview of the Technology Intake Process (TIP) workflow, with the tagline “Engage the right experts, at the right time, to deliver the right solution” appears above a process illustration. The four progressive stages of the process, including 1) Technical solutions intake, 2) ITS & client review meeting, 3) Collaborative decision, and 4) Successful solution, with the third stage highlighted.


  1. From the Tech Services email notification, click the Tommie Tech Services (Tech Portal) link in the View Ticket Links section. The ticket will open in TeamDynamix (TDX).
    NOTE: The TDX tasks will also be available in the "My Work" desktop.

A Tommie Tech Services email notification includes Ticket #, Requestor, Title, and Type information about the ticket. The VIEW TICKET LINKS section includes the highlighted "Tommie Tech Services (Tech Portal)" link.

Image Description: An automated email sent from Tommie Tech Services with Requestot, Title, and Type information from a Technology Intake Request. The "Tommie Tech Services (Tech Portal)" link is highlighted.

  1. In the TDX ticket, click the Edit button.

A TIP Request Form where the Edit button is highlighted. Other buttons include Actions, Add, Edit, Refresh, and Print View.

Image Description: A TDX ticket example for a Technology Intake Request, with the Edit button highlighted.

  1. Review the request information. Then, scroll down to the SME Notes section and find your team. Complete the three fields specific to your team (Feasibility, Effort, Notes).

An example of the SME Notes section of the TIP Request form illustrates the Implementation Feasibility Rating, Team Effort, and Notes input fileds.

Image Description: An SME Weigh-in form for the Implementation team, with input fields for 1) Feasibility Rating, 2) Team Effort, and 3) Notes.

  1. Values for the Feasibility Rating should be based on the following guidelines.
    • Red – High level of concern about technical feasibility, risk, and/or negative impacts on team(s).
    • Yellow – Moderate level of concern about technical feasibility, risk, and/or negative impacts on team(s).
    • Green – No or very little concern about technical feasibility, risk, and/or negative impacts on team(s).
    • N/A – No impact on my team; no involvement needed from my team.
  2. Values for the Team Effort selection should be based on the following guidelines.
    • High – A large amount of implementation or operational involvement required from my team.
    • Moderate – A fair amount of implementation or operational involvement required from my team.
    • Minimal – Very little implementation or operational involvement required from my team.
    • N/A – No impact on my team; no involvement needed from my team.


  1. Click the Save button to save changes.
  2. Click the To Detail button to return to the main ticket screen.
  3. To close your team’s weigh-in task: Find your assigned task on the right and click the Mark Complete button.  

The Weigh In ticket task form, including options to Mark Complete, Update, Edit, and Delete.

Image Description: A TDX task form for the Implementation team, with options to Mark Complete, Update, Edit, or Delete.


An alternative approach for providing SME feedback is through a customized TIP form:

The Weigh In ticket task form, including input boxes for TIP Request name, Ticket Number, Business Summary, SME Team selection, Feasability Rating, Effort Rating, Additional Notes, and Submit button.

Image Description: The custom TIp form for SME Weigh-in, with search fields for the TIP Request and Ticket Number, and a display option for Business Summary of the Request. The lower section of the form is titled Weigh-In Section. A drop-down to Select Your Team is followed by input fields for 1) Feasibility Rating, 2) Effort Rating, and 3) Additional Notes with a Submit button at the bottom of the form.

  1. Select the desired Tip Request from the TIP Request selection drop-down.
  2. The Ticket Number will be populated after selecting the TIP Request from the drop-down.
    1. Optionally, you may select buttons to directly open the TIP Request ticket or populate the Business Summary of the Request text field.
  3. In order to gather feedback from the SME team, you will need to select your team name from the Please Select Your Team drop-down menu.
  4. Please provide feedback via the Feasibility Rating, Effort Rating, and the Additional Notes input menus.
  5. Once completed with your feedback input, select the Submit button.

Following your completion of the Provide SME Feedback process, you will be attending Business Case Review meetings with campus partners to discuss and make collaborative decisions on how to proceed with requests. If you are unable to attend a meeting, your back-up should attend.

Previous and Next Steps

Previous step – Technology Intake Process: Complete the Tech Intake Request Form
Next step – Technology Intake Process: Conduct a Business Case Review

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Article ID: 158310
Tue 4/9/24 7:57 AM
Tue 8/13/24 8:39 AM

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