Technology Intake Process: Complete the Tech Intake Request Form

Tags techintake
This article is for faculty and staff.

Completing the Technical Intake Request form initiates the Tech Intake Process (TIP) workflow to review new or new uses of existing technologies.


The initial stage of the TIP workflow is the initiation of a TIP request by a Campus Partner with the assistance and consultation of their Business Relationship Management (BRM) partner.

There are Embedded Technology Partners from various teams outside of ITS (e.g. Engineering, Purchasing, Enrollment) that will engage with their BRM partner to incorporate requests originating from the embedded partner’s workflow. The Embedded Technology and BRM Partners will discuss details about the request to determine who will complete the creation and management of the TIP request and workflow.

The ITS technology Intake & Solution Process title, with the tagline "Engage the right experts, at the right time, to deliver the right solution" appears above a process illustration. The illustration depicts the four progressive stages of the process, including 1) Technical solutions intake, 2) ITS & client review meeting, 3) Collaborative decision, and 4) Successful solution. The first of the four steps ("Technical solutions intake") is highlighted. A detailed description states "Capture your needs. Single-point-of-contact with your ITS Business Relationship Manager."

Image Description: An overview of the Technology Intake Process (TIP) workflow, with the tagline “Engage the right experts, at the right time, to deliver the right solution” appears above a process illustration. The four progressive stages of the process, including 1) Technical solutions intake, 2) ITS & client review meeting, 3) Collaborative decision, and 4) Successful solution, with the first stage highlighted.


  1. Following ongoing consultation between the Campus Partner and BRM partners while Initiating the Technology Intake Request, the Tech Intake Process request is created in Tommie Tech Services using the Tech Intake Form.

The Tech Intake Form on Tommie Tech Services used to initiate a Tech Intake Process (TIP) request.

Image Description: A truncated image of the Technology Intake Request form as presented on Tommie Tech Services. The introductory description and some of the initial prompts displayed include inputs for Requestor, Department, Preferred contact method, and Title for this request.

  1. After the TIP request has been submitted, Campus Partners and the BRM Team will continue to add details to the request as the Business Case is developed.
    1. Campus Partners should include any additional information that could assist in identifying a solution to meet their need. Some examples include;
    • From vendor (if one has been engaged) 
      • Documentation received
      • HECVAT (Higher Education Community Vendor Assessment Tool) and VPAT (Voluntary Product Accessibility Template) info
      • Integrations needed (if known)
      • Vendor representative contact information
    • General Information
      • Data classification - FERPA or otherwise requiring privacy controls
      • Budget / cost
      • Who in their team will be using / accessing it (department SMEs)
      • If a product is purchased will the support by totally by the vendor or will there be tech desk needs
  2. Within a week of submitting the TIP request, an Initial Review meeting will be scheduled with the ITS BRM, Implementation, Software, and Security Teams to determine the future path for the request through the TIP workflow. Possible paths include:
    1. Simple Purchase - The request is a “plug and play” solution that has little to no ITS implementation or operational support needs, is under the $10,000 bidding requirement, and is of minimal risk or complexity.
    2. TIP Business Case Review - The ITS Initial Review Team has reviewed the request and determined that it is ready for a TIP Business Case Review.

Previous and Next Steps

Previous step – Technology Intake Process: Initiate a Tech Intake Request
Next step – Technology Intake Process: Complete the Initial Request Review

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Article ID: 158306
Tue 4/9/24 7:22 AM
Mon 8/12/24 1:24 PM

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Following completion of the Technical Intake Request, an Initial Request Review is conducted to determine the next step in the TIP workflow.
Completing the Technology Intake Request form initiates the Tech Intake Process (TIP) work flow to review new or new uses of existing technologies.
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