Technology Intake Process: Challenge a Decision

Tags techintake
This article is for faculty and staff.

An escalation path exists for a Campus Partner to challenge a decision made during the Tech Intake Process (TIP) workflow and request a review by the ITS AVPs. The ITS AVPs may also need to assist in decision making during the TIP workflow when a path forward is unclear.


If a decision made during the TIP workflow is challenged by the Campus Partner, an escalation to the ITS AVPs may be started with the assistance and consultation of their Business Relationship Management (BRM) partner.

TIP Challenge Roles and Responsibilities
Role Responsibilities
Campus Partner
  • Decide to challenge a decision made anywhere in the Technology Intake Process that has been clearly articulated and understood.
  • Communicate challenge and begin discussion with ITS BRM contact.
  • Participate fully with ITS BRM and ITS AVPs leading to, and during TIP challenge discussion.
  • Discuss and document the reason(s) for challenge and desired outcome(s) from Campus Partner.
  • Prepare presentation of original TIP request, challenge discussion notes, and desired outcome(s) for ITS AVP discussion.
  • Schedule and moderate TIP challenge discussion with Campus Partner and ITS AVPs.
  • Document discussion and decision within the TIP request form.
  • Review prepared materials prior to TIP challenge discussion.
  • Provide insight, ask clarifying questions, and work towards a decision in response to challenge.

The ITS technology Intake & Solution Process title, with the tagline ???Engage the right experts, at the right time, to deliver the right solution??? appears above a process illustration. The illustration depicts the four progressive stages of the process, including 1) Technical solutions intake, 2) ITS & client review meeting, 3) Collaborative decision, and 4) Successful solution. The third of the four steps (???Collaborative decision???) is highlighted. A detailed description states ???Consider??? Need, value, fit, resources, scope, complexity Decide - buy, build, existing solution, other???

Image Description: An overview of the Technology Intake Process (TIP) workflow, with the tagline “Engage the right experts, at the right time, to deliver the right solution” appears above a process illustration. The four progressive stages of the process, including 1) Technical solutions intake, 2) ITS & client review meeting, 3) Collaborative decision, and 4) Successful solution, with the third stage highlighted.


  1. Campus Partners should contact their assigned BRM partner to initiate an escalation discussion.
    1. The BRM Department Assignment Report provides a detailed list of assignments.
  2. The ITS BRM consults with the Campus Partner regarding the reason for escalation.
  3. The ITS BRM documents the key points of the conversation within the TIP Intake Request ticket.
  4. The Campus Partner and ITS BRM reach-out to the AVPs to schedule a time to discuss and decide on escalation issues and next steps.
    1. The ITS BRM should send a presentation consisting of a summary and link to the original TIP request, key discussion notes and reason for challenge, and desired outcomes of the challenge to the ITS AVPs at least three business days prior to the scheduled meeting.
  5. The ITS BRM documents any decisions and key discussion points in the TIP Intake Request ticket.

Previous Step

Previous Step - Technology Intake Process: Conduct a Business Case Review

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