This service is for faculty and staff.
New to SharePoint? St. Thomas uses SharePoint Online (part of Microsoft Office 365) as it's primary cloud document storage repository. That means you'll likely find departmental and team files on SharePoint sites.
Note: OneDrive is primarily for personal or individual files. OneDrive is associated with individual user accounts, so when someone leaves the University, their OneDrive goes away as well.
How do I access SharePoint?
You can access SharePoint Online from the Apps & Tools menu on OneStThomas, or by going directly to the app on From there you can see news posts from SharePoint, sites you recently visited, sites frequently visit, and sites you're following. If you don't see a site you're looking for, try searching for it in the search bar at the top of the page.
SharePoint Tutorials
To report a problem or receive additional troubleshooting, please contact the
Tech Desk.