Badging and Microcredentials

This service is available for faculty, staff, students, student clubs, and visitors

A digital badge and microcredential are electronic, visual indicators that show knowledge, skills, and competencies that a student, staff or faculty have gained from the training or learning experiences. ITS staff consult with interested stakeholders to assist in their development and design of badges that adhere to quality practices and interface with our external badging platforms to provide verifiable credentials. 

Visit our St. Thomas OneStThomas Badging and Microcredentials website for more. 

Badging and Microcredential Features:

  • Students employees and at times the broader student population have the opportunity to earn badges as they develop certain knowledge, skills and competencies that may complement their academic degree plan and transcript; badges may also open doors to additional opportunities at St. Thomas and further showcase their credentials. 
  • Staff and faculty also have opportunities to develop and showcase their knowledge, skills, and competencies via a badging or microcredential platform. 
  • Student, staff and faculty badges (with our Badgr platform) are typically anchored in Canvas our main course learning management platform (LMS) at St. Thomas although there are ways to also leverage Badgr badges in other electronic plaforms if there a single badges connected to a Badgr Pathway series (set up a consultation). 
  • Badges are set up so that you can share that credential in your social media platforms (e.g., Linked In, Twitter, Facebook, etc), your resume, personal website, or e-portfolio.
  • This article 7 Things to Know About Digital Badges provides additional background.

Getting Started

Looking for current badges offered at St. Thomas in our Canvas/Badgr environment? Visit our Badging and Microcredentials website and the Current Badges page. 

Thinking about developing a badge or microcredential? Please provide some preliminary information about the potential topic of badging or microcredentials and we'll  set up a consultative meeting. Also please review the Develop a Badge page In preparation for a consultation if helps if you can share the following: 

  • the focus for the area of badge/learning development;
  • the audience (are you wanting to design training/badging for students, student employees, staff and/or faculty);
  • learning outcomes (what you would like your target audience to know or learn to do as a result of the badge); and
  • timelines (when you hope to launch that badge/training). 

Request Service

Our request service form will allow you to:

  • Request an initial consultation to determine if a badge or microcredential is the right fit for your needs and situation; 
  • Request assistance in building out your plan and badge or microcredential resource once your initial idea has been developed (to ensure that your badge is designed with verifiable criteria, incorporates St. Thomas badge protocols, has a sustainable plan for management for ongoing upkeep and awarding of badges according to criteria set); 
  • Troubleshooting or reporting a problem once your badge or microcredential site has been launched. 
Click to Request Service

Related Articles (6)

A digital badge is an electronic, visual indicator that shows knowledge, skills, and competencies that a student (or student employee) has gained from the training or learning experiences. This article describes digital badges for students and student employees.


Service ID: 47500
Tue 11/24/20 4:50 PM
Fri 10/14/22 11:28 AM