
This service is available for faculty, staff, and student workers.

ITS can provide reporting on the following services:
Warning: Please note this data request can be viewed by all Tommie Tech Service Technicians and sensitive data and/or comments should not be entered through this form. 

  • Report Creation or Updates
    This can include: yearly comparisons, anything with crosstabs, historical reporting, data presented in table format, etc. The typical output format is available for review within the Cognos Analytics Platform or Salesforce Platform You can also request a new data field, filter, layout, etc. to an existing report. 
  • Dashboard Creation or Updates
    View data over time, high-level data, or visuals to help you make business decisions fast. The typical output format is available for review within the Cognos Analytics Platform or Salesforce Platform You can also request a new data field, filter, layout, etc. to an existing dashboard. 
  • Data Audit
    Request a new report to be created when comparing data across two different databases, tables, views, etc. to ensure high quality data within our data ecosystem; Your audit/error report can be delivered automatically daily, weekly or monthly as well as be available to run on-demand 24-7.
  • Accreditation, Compliance, or Government Reporting
    Request a report or data specific to University compliance, government reporting, or accreditation (outside of Program Department Review - see specific category option). This could include any data or reports around IPEDS, Minnesota Office of Higher Education (MOHE), Department Of Defense (DOD), Higher Learning Commission (HLC), etc.
  • Program or Department Review
    Request your Program Review or Department Review data for accreditation.
  • Reporting Software Error
    If you are experiencing an error message from any of our reporting tools (Cognos Analytics, SalesForce, etc.) please submit a ticket here. 
  • Reporting Consultation
    Know what you are trying to answer but not sure the data to get you there? Book an appointment with a data team member and we will personally work with you to explore how you and your team can use data-driven decision making in your day-to-day work.
  • Data Lists - Please see the Data Service Section to submit a request for a new data list. 

Getting Started

Complete the request service form to get started. 

Request Service

Our request service form will allow you to:

  • Request New Reports or Updates to Existing Reports
  • Request New Dashboard or Updates to Existing Dashboard
  • Request Compliance Reporting
  • Request Data Audits
  • Troubleshoot or report a problem
Click to Request Service

Related Articles (7)

An overview to the process and standards of giving third-party vendors direct access to our St. Thomas Salesforce Environments.
The following article describes how to save multiple past output versions of a Cognos Analytics 11 report.
This article??provides instructions on scheduling reports to run and a link be emailed daily/weekly/yearly in Cognos Analytics 11.
The following table lists known issues in Cognos??Analytics 11.1.7 and how to address them.
How to request a new Report or Dashboard in Salesforce EDA
A step-by-step guide to clone/copy a dashboard or report in Salesforce Lighting.
The following article describes how to view or download a current or past report version in Cognos Analytics 11.


Service ID: 41774
Wed 1/29/20 4:26 PM
Fri 6/21/24 5:16 PM