Offerings that respond to, remediate, and seek to prevent security incidents and vulnerabilities. Includes support for customer solutions like secure messaging.

Services (5)

Report a Security Incident

Notice something fishy (or phishy) with an account or system? Start here.

Secure File Sharing (LiquidFiles)

Need to send sensitive data but aren't sure how to do it securely? LiquidFiles is here to help!

Security Operations Controls (Including O365 Security)

Security Operations Controls includes the support and management of security controls for a variety of enterprise platforms and technologies. The controls may include both proactive controls that help prevent security events, and reactive controls that help detect and limit their impact.

Server Endpoint Protection

Solutions to reduce to risk of server exposure to viruses and other malware.

Windows Server Patch Management

Coordinating the release of both standard and out of band Windows server patching.